Thursday, April 17, 2008

one step at a time

Today I went to go viset with Pepper. He is my horse who was abused when his last owner rode him. So he is such a sweet heart to be around on the ground, but when it comes to riding he is very Right Brain Extrovert(i.e. - impulsive, scared, can only think of how to get away).

So I started in the arena just playing some games on the ground as usuall. Porkypine, here and there, circle, yo-yo, etc.etc. We went through some poles, over jumps, and between barrels. When we were done, I parked him next to the mounting block to practice leaning on him. I have been leaning on him for awhile now, and usually do at the end of every session. I wait until he relaxes, and then rub him, and put him back.
Well today he wasn't tense at all! In fact, he fell asleep! So I slipped a leg over, and sat on him. Not much of a reaction, so I rubbed him. Then he started walking a little, so we walked a circle, and ended up back at the mounting block! I am SO excited, and feel so accomplished! I hope to continue to help Pepper feel secure with a person on his back.

I felt so great about Pepper, that I went home and sat on Avery! haha, He's so crabby sometimes. We played first, adn he trotted 1 circle in the circling game(which is great, by the way)! He broke the pallet and got his foot stuck...but was very calm in figuring out what to do about it. So, I did some leaning with him too, and hopped on! He tossed his head, but I expect that from my grouchy left brain introvert(dull, snotty, clever). We walked a few steps, and he pinned his ears and tossed his head again. Not wanting to get into a fight in a heavily wooded sloping area, I quickly decided it was best to quit there.

I am so excited to have come SO far with these 2 horses. And I know we still have so far to go! I can't wait to continue to learn and make progress!

keep it natural

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