Friday, August 8, 2008

I am always trying to figure out Pepper. He is a different horse everyday! Today he changed horsenalities a few times...when I first came into the pasture he was quite LBI. As we started to play I could see him kinda zone out....RBI. So I waited, and let him relax, and he yawned like crazy! Then deffinately went left brain. He tryed to take my ropes and stick in between yawns. And he stayed pretty LB the rest of the time we played.
Then at feeding time, I went down to the pasture to find a leaping, bounding, dancing, race horse! Even after I fed he trotted a couple laps around his stall before eating. Strange horse. Difficult day. So I didn't do too much, it was hard for me to keep up.

BUT I lovvvvve the changes to the savvyclub website! I feel there are more resources for me, and SOOOO much more for me to learn and gain savvy to help my dear PepBoy! Though it looks daunting and complicated, I really think it'll be easier to track progress, how to improve, and what gaps need to be filled in. So cool. Can't wait to see what other changes they will make.
