Friday, March 13, 2009

I've been away from blogging for awhile, and had some time to re-organize my thoughts, and gain some new ideas.

My relationship with Pep is coming along nicely, and it looks like he will take me through my level one audition! We will film and send it out next week if all goes well! He has really been very very left brain, and walks the line of introvert and extrovert. Which I love, it has been fun to try out the online patterns, and we're cruising right in to level 2. He loves to paw at the tarp, and try new things.

Rascal is a new challenge. I believe he is left brain extrovert, but it's hidden waaay down under a right brain horse. When he's thinking, he loves to touch and grab everything with his lips. He feels EVERYTHING! I love that about him. We spend lots of undemanding time, and lots of rubbing. He yawns almost every session! Our eventual goal will be to pick up his feet nicely, and to really build his self confidence. Which should make him a fun horse to have around the barn, as he makes me laugh every day!
