Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I've been riding and riding and playing and riding. And it feels great! Tucker is a special horse, and I know I;'m lucker to be hi human. I've been using the 22' line, and trying to work out puzzles from far distances. We've done a little bit of liberty(no ropes), and I had SOOOO much fun with that! He is very attentive, and watched closely for my ques. With riding I'm just trying to get softer turns and stops.
Pepper is doing good as well. I tryed a bit of liberty with him, and he actually did alright. I just have to remember to ask softly first. Something Tucker reminds me to do.
Rascal!! What a pony. He is doing great with picking up his feet, and I don't let his fidgeting bother me anymore. That alone seemed to settle him. He's been such a blast, and I love watching his lil pony eyes and ears drinking in information.
Dave Ellis, Anne Kaiser, and Don Halladay are in town for the next 3 days. I'm planning to go thursday, and know I'll get SO much information to load into my brain.
A new site is up, shareparelli.com. Looks like a great way to get youself out and meeting people. ha! Still learning the works of the deal.
