Sunday, June 15, 2008

Haven't posted in awhile. I got kinda caught up in the Horse Expo I think. I volunteered for the Parelli Booth at the Western States Horse Expo last weekend. I think it was great for me. Just small enough for me to be comfortable, but just big enough to get me out of my comfort zone and learning. What cool people. Very fun for me to be around, and would love to volunteer again someday.

Avery is doing GREAT with sideways. He's even doing alright with circling...okay, so we make half circles, but that is WAY more than we were doing. I'm also getting myself more comfortable with working outside the pasture. I don't know why it makes me so nervus. The only difference is the fence, and which side of it we're on. But I'm doing well with "my" thresholds. haha!
