Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I know it's been awhile, I've just been too lazy to log in my days the last few weeks. We've been pretty much doing the same thing. Just practicing the 7 games with different obstacles. Our sideways game has been waaaaaay slow. What I do is face his side, then "push"(with the carrot stick) his front end, then hind end. Usually he swings his hind end too far, and ends up face to face with me. So today I stepped it up a notch, and asked his front end to go before he could face me again. It was pretty cool, and I could actually see that what we were doing was sideways and not just the driving game bakc and forth.
Started the circling game...but I wasn't very confident about it. So I'll leave that for another day. Also started playing in his mouth, an dwith his legs. LOTS of friendlyness.

Over the weekend we went to Atwood Ranch's open house. It was pretty cool to see Pat and Kalley play with horses. It always is. It was strange though seeing Remmer and Allure happily grazing out in a pasture. And even stranger meeting Linda. It's just wierd to meet someone I have already learned SO much from, and she has no idea who I am. But I had fun. It was a great weekend.
