He had looked like something really clobbered him in the head. I had a good horsey friend come out and have a look, and she recommended a vet if not better in the morning. So I cleaned up his nose, and left him in the roundpen for the night.
This morning his nose was bleeding again, and his eye didn't look any better...so time to start seaching for a vet. What a task! To find someone you feel is trustworthy of poking and pulling your dear four legged friend. We really lucked out when we lived in Cool with an awesome vet whom I trusted with my horses life.
We eventually found someone willing to make an emergency call. He said Tucker may have even fractured the bone that goes over his eye! What the heck happend to my horse!? He said it didn't seem like we needed x-rays, and loaded us up on pain meds, The bleeding was from his sinuses, which should clear up in a couple days.
So Tucker boy will have about a week or two just getting better. Poor guy...
If anything Mr.Vet was impressed with how well he took his shots! hehe
Hi Sandy. I hope Tucker gets better. It looks like his eye was quite hurt. I also suggest covering his eye with a flymask to protect it, etc.
Hi! Thanks...yeah he's pretty much living in the fly mask. We've had wind and rain and flys...and I really want to keep that eye protected like you said. Wonder who invented the flymask...what a great thing we use!
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