Friday, June 26, 2009

To start with, I am SOOOOOOOOO incredibly excited about the new courses. I cannot stop thinking about our trip next year.
With Tucker still not feeling "right" I decided to take it realllllly easy for awhile and just build the relationship. He's such a sweetheart. We've been working on lots of little things that will make games and patterns so much easier. It's interesting when you have something you can't do, like riding, how you suddenly can come up with dozens of other possibilities. Our yoyo needed work on the waiting part, and touch it needed help, and so many other things that I didn't take the time to work on beause they seemed so small.
I was able to rub Rascal all over with a plastic bag on my carrotstick. I waved it around, and swished it over his back, and he did wonderfully. He was tense like a RBI for awhile, but was much much more confident within several minutes. I watched a parelli video yesterday when Pat said something that stood out to me that I've heard hudreds of times before. Rythm, relaxation, and retreat. hmm, lick and chew. No need for things to get wild in order to train a horse?? hehe. I like it.

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