I started thinking that Tuck probably took a good tumble on the hills out there. He came off butte last week and has been looking sore ever since. May take him out and stretch his legs and back today. Can't imagine what the fall must have looked like to get a bloody nose, fractured orbit bone, and achy body. Scares me a little bit.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Professional Pathway
Parelli has released their "pathways" for those interested in becoming a parelli professional. It makes it so easy to see where I'm headed, and what I need to do to get there. I'm excited to have that map! I'll be working this summer to finish my level 2 riding, and head into level 3. I'd like to at LEAST be self assessed online by next spring. But I think I may be able to audition some of it too.
I started thinking that Tuck probably took a good tumble on the hills out there. He came off butte last week and has been looking sore ever since. May take him out and stretch his legs and back today. Can't imagine what the fall must have looked like to get a bloody nose, fractured orbit bone, and achy body. Scares me a little bit.
I've been trying to do extreme friendly with Rascal. I feel it's just his next step. He does well with most of the games, and now that he's not afraid of the halter, carrot stick, string, sneezing, stretching, hand clapping, or brushes...we can start playing with other objects! hahahaha! I've heard people say, "whenever you're with a horse, you're training him". And Rascal has definitely shown me that. We're ALWAYS learning something, and crossing new thresholds. It's so important to me to make sure he gets some sort of contact everyday so people in general are "regular" to have around. He's a load of fun, and teaching me a lot.
I started thinking that Tuck probably took a good tumble on the hills out there. He came off butte last week and has been looking sore ever since. May take him out and stretch his legs and back today. Can't imagine what the fall must have looked like to get a bloody nose, fractured orbit bone, and achy body. Scares me a little bit.