Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Rascal is doing fantastically well. He has so much more confidence. I have been trying to keep his sessions short and sweet. I realized that feeling like you're going to die for 30 minutes isn't as bad as feeling like you're going to die for 2 hours. ha! Not that I'm doing anything to purposely scare him, or hurt him...but as a severely right brain horse, we know he constantly wonders if he's gonna be the next bbq. So we have progressed well into level 2 ground skills. We've begun zone 3 driving instead of me leading him everywhere. Asking his nose to lead the way, instead of mine, will show me lots of thresholds that I would rather find on the ground than on his back.
Tucker is taking a little time off to gain some weight so we can really progress through our levels to be ready for Colorado next year. I really want his health to be good during the fall winter and spring and just not have that be a worry to us at all. Don't get me wrong, he is in good health, but in the past thinner horses tend to catch every illness and ailment that passes through when they're under-weight and cold. But his limp is gone, and is eye is 100% better.
Next week I will be away at kids camp as a councelor, and the week after that I'll be headed to So.California for a little vacation. Disneyland, Le Brea Tar Pits, and the beach are calling my name. So the ponies will have to do without the tall brunette with the orange stick for awhile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi... just happen to cross your site... I see that you also love Disney... me too...

Im planning to go to Tokyo or Hong Kong Disney this Christmas. Hoho and I found some stuffs from Hong Kong Disneyland here as well:

I will definitely take tones of photos there!!!
