Our goat died last Friday. After a week and a half of trying to keep him alive, coming to his side through all hours of the night. Poor thing. I think his wound got infected and just killed him. He tryed soooo hard to stay alive, but was suffering so much. I wish we would have put him down sooner, but am at peace that he's no longer having to live in the condition that he was. In a weird way, it makes me feel sooo much better about the decision we made for Avery last year. We made decisions so fast for him, as the colic came on, literally in the blink of an eye. We were faced with the option of trying surgery, but were very aware of what a tough recovery it would have been for him. I am now so happy we never put him through that.
On a lighter note, I have set up a great new way for me to get through my patterns
Tuck is doing great with Follow the Rail, and halt/walk/trot transitions.
Today we played on the ground backing through things. He doesn't like backing out of the trailer(can't blame him), so I've been working a lot in zones 4&5 trying to help him get more confident. He's doing spectacular, and I look forward to jumping into our routine this week!