I spent most of the month baking. Which I have to admit I've come to love. I don't care much for cooking, but I love to bake. I've gotten a little over-loaded with the simple chocolate chip cookie, and have ventured in to other varieties. Russian tea cakes, chocolate crinkles(my personal fav these days), and snickerdoodles over-threw my kitchen! And it was delicious.
I've mapped out my level 3 online and freestyle and think I can get through them in the next couple months if I use my time wisely. Our online is going spectacularly and I think we'll breeze through it. We're almost through with loping on the figure
I've unfortunately lost the hitch to the truck for hooking up the trailer. I think it may have fallen out on the road some time back :( So we'll continue to advance our yoyo game until we get another and load safely in the trailer.
Reading back through my old posts I noticed my descriptions of Rascal are a little vague. So here's what we're working on - he is much more unconfident with me on his right side than his left. At every opportunity he'll offer me the left eye instead of the right. Having things tossed over his back is still difficult for him, but not at all like it used to be. But still, I'd like him overly comfortable with me
I've been avoiding getting wet, or frozen, and try to head out when the warmer weather does too. Lot's to do in 2010!