Thursday, January 14, 2010

The last couple weeks have felt like gogogo, and they are gone gone gone! The last week or so has been great with Tuck. We've done some carrot stick riding, and better with follow the rail. Our level 3 freestyle is coming slow. But we are progressing if just a little at a time.
I had a lesson on Sunday and Tuck decided he wouldn't be a part of it. He sauntered off and played with Rascal. Hmm, how interesting...said something about our relationship! But we played a lot that day, and played a lot yesterday, and had some undemanding time today. He's really enjoyed all that...and treats too of course :)

Rascal was automatically included in our undemanding time, but he demanded ALL the attention! I was extremely proud and soaked up the love that he was offering in his partnership. Today was absolutely the most left brain he has ever been with me in the year that he's been here. He played with me just like he does with the other horses! We even played catch me at the trot! It was spectacular and I loved every minute of it. He has taken to licking new guests that venture close enough to his fence, and chasing dogs that wander into his domain. Do you smell a LBE?

1 comment:

Kathy said...

I love to hear positive stories about horses "warming up" and becoming more left brained. How wonderful for both you and Rascal!
