So as I pulled each horse out there it would come up in my mind "Cause your idea to become his idea, but understand his idea FIRST". Understand his idea first. Understand his idea first. Understand his idea first. OKAYYYYYY!!! It was practically a song at that point. I realized that "his" idea is going to be different with every horse. And can be different everyday. So I decided to experiment a little.
I brought THE ball into the roundpen. Just one of those big exercise balls. And I would observe. What was his idea about it? interesting! It was different for each one.
It's so hard to explain what "understanding his idea" means. It's easier for me to feel than to put into words. Expecially having just learned it myself.
So based on horsenality, the LBI(which I think Tucker is mostly) would be more interested in just hanging out, and getting treats. So I don't take him into the roundpen and chase, do jumping-jacks, cartwheels, and ballet. He'd hate me within a week. I groom him, scratch a little, graze on the way to the roundpen, and plan out what we're gonna do. I've been trying to match his energy. So if he's half asleep looking, and pushing into my space, I'll go half asleep looking and send him out on a circle, with a loooooong phase 1, and quick 234. And am very assertive about it. After awhile he got a look like "What now!? sideways to the fence? the ball? YOU? How about cantering two laps then troting in to you??" okay! haha, I LOVE to see that exuberance. And then I make sure he gets rest and treats(his idea) before putting him away.
I've also been working on getting him comfortable in the trailer. He's good at 2 feet, but unconfident with 4. Hmmm, how interesting! So we're taking that a day at a time, and will hopefully be ready for a clinic in June!