Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I love riding. I have missed it so much! I have always wanted to ride bareback and barefoot, I don't know why. Maybe it's some girl thing. So that's what I did! I loved it. Maybe not the safest thing, and I suddenly realized how close we ride to trees, and just how tall my horse is...but I had fun.
It's been a litle bit difficult to me to get on and not get into my old habits of micro-managing. I constantly am reminded that to be a good passanger, and not to drill. Same with the roundpen. I don't have to get in there and run my horses around. I don't even have to circle at all! So now it's really a matter of breaking MY old habbits.
Rascal is adorable. I love just hanging with him. He take my hat, and plays with my hands, and always checks to see whats in my pockets. He's doing great with his feet, and letting me swing the rope and play friendly game all over his back and legs. I'm excited for him. I like seeing horses comfortable and not in fear.
Pepper is doing great with the trailer! He loads at liberty, and I actually have a hard time convincing him to come back out!
